Friday, June 23, 2006

Mistress of the Old Woods

Session 117

Characters: Julian, Balin, Anthony, Grim.

NPCs: Hallberdisfinna: Great Wyrm Green Dragon (Greenbound).

L 1 Mirtul 1374 - L 1 Mirtul 1374

0 XP

With more sounds of suffering coming from deeper in the forest grove, the party pushed onward with haste. Soon the canopy above them began to be stripped of its leaves as winds increased to almost 50 miles per hour. Plant debris filled the air and blocked their sight to less than 15 feet in all directions. The new ground they traveled on seemed increasingly wet and sloped downward; they were entering a large river valley. Then the party hit a large body of cold, green water and noticed that this river valley must have been near completely flooded. Only the tops of the tallest trees rose above the windy water; in them structures of ancient elven-make signaled they were within the enclave of Myth Drevanna. The three lone adventurers Julian, Anthony, and Grim gathered at the waters edge to search for clues.

Suddenly, the powerful winds brought with them a blast of corrosive gas. The three adventurers staggered away from the green shore and panicked. Seconds later another blast of corrosive gas blew with the winds and continued to eat away at their flesh. Grim and Julian struggled to find a source of this through the flying plant debris. Regardless, all three were nearly dead from their sudden wounds and so Grim recalled the party back to his personal Demiplane. There they waited in a healing glow for nearly 9 minutes, pondering their recent brush with death. Meanwhile, with a final strike of his oak staff, Balin crushed Valandis the Druid of Myth Drevanna into unconsciousness. Victorious, he set out deeper into the forest to find his comrades. Even with the violent winds and debris, Balin managed to easily track their previous movements in the boggy, water-logged ground. Balin descended down into the flooded river valley and at the water's edge noticed a great deal of turmoil in their tracks, and then the tracks stopped. Before he could ponder this evidence however, She had descended upon him with all Her might. Trapped, and under the threat of certain death, Balin had no choice but to submit.

Seemingly an eternity later, Julian, Grim, and Anthony returned to the outer edge of Myth Drevanna with many powerful protective spells cast upon them. They entered the rough green water and swam quickly between the near sunken canopies in the former glory of an elven mythal. As they moved deeper into Myth Drevanna all three noticed that a number of their preparative spells for battle had failed. Grim quickly deducted that these were all of the Abjuration school of magic. It seemed that the corrupted Myth Drevanna may at one time have been deeply linked to the school. As they advanced into the first section of the Mythal, the tree canopy came to life and began to batter the party with fury. Grim sustained a moderate injury and Shapeshifted into a Solar to resist the continuous attacks. As the party pressed deeper into the mythal with the trees constantly attacking, a third cloud of acidic gas hit the party. Julian sensed the presence of an intelligent mind within 100 feet of him to the northeast and the party rushed forward. Then, She descended.

The Great Wyrm leapt down from the tree canopy and bruised the party's flesh with a trunk-splitting roar. She was the largest dragon any had imagined, comparable to some small castles. Her dark green scales intertwined with vines, bark and thorns, and Her massive jaws dripped with a brownish ichor. From Her brief flight She clamped down on Anthony and smashed into the water. Anthony returned the damage with two incredible Smites and freed his arm from Her jaws. Julian attempted a dark and vile power upon Her, however his Avasculate did not hit with the same force he had expected. Additionally, Anthony and Grim had witnessed his Evil spell and became deeply concerned. Grim also struck the Great Dragon with bolts of sonic energy. Reeling back from the damage, She gazed back and Cursed Grim. Julian noticed however, that she had not casted the spell, merely directed it. Then, She ripped tenaciously into Anthony's body with her claws, fangs, spiked tail, and thorny hide and dived deep into the murky green waters. Julian sensed she was near and directed his comrads down to find her. Underwater, the terrible melee continued. Although the Great Dragon suffered heavy wounds She seemed to regenerate them back in the presence of the mythal. Anthony Smote Her again, and Grim directed more blasts of sonic energy, however all three had suffered near fatal wounds and were again at Kelemvor's doorstep.

With a final blow from the Sword of Cosmas, for an instant Anthony thought he had slain the Great Dragon. However, Grim had seen the magical effect and knew a Contingency and Transport Via Plants had activated. She was elsewhere now, and with the party's grievous wounds and Teleportation abilities locked out by the mythal it was only a matter of time before the violent trees would kill them all. Without hesitation, Grim knew what must be done. He stopped time with his vast arcane abilities and quickly searched through the remaining time-frozen forest. There, in an underwater cavern filled with an aura of Antimagic, he saw the Great Dragon licking Her wounds. Standing alongside Her without movement was Balin, his lost friend and adventurer. The cavern was carved from the grove's central crescent-shaped mound, which rose from the waters and was topped with colossal Druidic Stones. Grim knew there was little time and Sent for the party's help through the Weave.