Characters: Julian, Balin, Anthony, Grim.
NPCs: 2 Shadow Thieves, 2 Hezrou Plague Demons.
L 26 Alturiak 1374 - L 27 Alturiak 1374
2260 XP

They passed through the long submerged stone tunnel under the Zaz river. Roughly halfway down the tunnel they found the 2 day old stinking corpse of a Sword Spider. It had been killed with bolts and arrows which Balin and Anthony determined had been the same used to kill the Maelos-Stocks Alliance Guardsman 2 nights prior. Slightly down the tunnel Julian also found a number of wagon splinters and spilled grain. Whomever was responsible for the theft of the Maelos-Stocks grain had used this tunnel towards the Wainwrights as an escape. Longer still down the tunnel the party reached an out-of-place double door which looked to have been taken from a temple to Helm. Julian Blinked past it and found himself in a small switching room with 2 Plague-infected Shadow Thieves. Within seconds Julian disposed of the 2 thieves and opened the doors allowing the party to move onward. They walked up another mechanical stone ramp and found themselves in an even bloodier and cramped sewer system, the Markets.
In the horrifying Markets sewers the party travelved northwest and found themselves and the sewer location Edirra Swiftstar had described to them as suspicious. Four sewer lines joined together to form a small circular room filled with many of the early dead Markets District citizens. The party tirelessly searched through the bloated bodies and blood-soaked stone for signs of entrances or traps. However, they continued to become distracted by a feeling of being watched. Balin and Anthony were able to shake it off but Julian and Grim were unable. After more minutes of searching an incredible blast of demonic chanting filled the sewers as 2 Hezrou Plague Demons Teleported to surround the party. Balin, weakened from the plague and still severely wounded from the previous assault ran down an empty tunnel. Grim quickly banished one of the Hezrou, while Julian and Anthony moved in to engage the second. The Hezrou laid into Anthony Manton however, the former paladin and arcane rouge's attacks were stronger. After the party destroyed the Hezrou they continued searching and found a submerged secret plate underneath the bloody sewer water. It bore the symbol of the Shadow Thieves, however Julian found it to have powerful magical auras written in a Zhent secret code. The magical ward was quite powerful and so the party decided that they would get Edirra Swiftstar to help decode the Zhent message. Anthony Manton has contracted a serious form of Sewer Plague and with his battle wounds will certainly die before the sun rises unless magical help can be found.