Welcome to everyone interested in reading about topics concerning the history of an adventuring party started in the Forgotten Forest. This blog will serve primarily as a campaign log for me to record the actions of the heroes involved. Comments and add-ons are welcome when they concern something which transpired during the last gaming session. I will most likely also post experience awards, characters and NPCs and adventuring dates. So without further discussion, this is the cast of main characters... Also, updated descriptions and pictures can be e-mailed to me and I will re-post them as necessary.

Anthony Manton: LG Asimar, holy warrior of tyr.

Cael Rames: NG Human, warrior ice-mage.

Samael Tepes: CG Half-elf, fighter-scout.

Julian Bailer: CG Human, Tethyrian arcane rouge.

Randal Stonecastle: LG Human, pius monk of Ilmater.

Davvin Silverkin: LN Human, priest of Kelemvor.

Balin Melianne: TN Elf, high forest Silvan druid.

Tulgar son of... :CG Human, barbarian of the icy north.

Nomin Ohtar: LG Human, exiled Cormyrian calveryman.

Terus Althor: CG Human, psion "caravan guard".

Grim Greycastle: LN Human, archmage.