Session 84
Characters: Randal, Grim, Julian, Terus, Cael, Davvin, Tulgar.
NPCs: 2 Umberhulks, 4 Orcs, 6 Blue archers, 4 Young Mindflayers, 8 Cave Trolls, Dxyquel the Ilithid.
30 Hammar 1374 - 30 Hammar 1374
4400 XP
Looking into the darkness of the open archway with Julian's light spell, the party saw more enemies approaching. 2 Umberhulks appeared in the light charging forward along with 4 Orcish warriors and 6 Blue archers. Grim acted without hesitation and casted a powerful cloudkill spell, killing all but the Umberhulks and 2 Blue archers. The monsters attacked as Tulgar and Cael battled them back wielding bricks of loose stone. Terus made short work of the remaining Blues.
After searching the bodies of the fallen mind controlled thrall the party moved into another large flooded room with a stone fountain pool in the center. Overlooking the fountain area were dull stone buildings which the party investigated. Inside they found the remnants of a dwarven massage parlor which had been recently turned into a horrible feeding chamber. Further down a hallway the party found two flooded bathrooms which had been serving as living quarters for 2 low ranking Ilithids.
Moving out of the surrounding structures, the party heard the splashing of heavy feet as more attackers came from a great staircase. Tulgar and Randal held the front of the stairwell while the rest of the party remained behind and defended with spells. Up came two rushes of Cave trolls and Young Mindflayers. While Randal and Tulgar battled the trolls back the Mindflayers began to grasp onto Cael and attempted to feed. Julian, Terus, and Davvin slayed the hungry flayers and rescued Cael. A second rush of Cave trolls and Mindflayers followed, however there was an invisible spellcaster who enervated and exhausted Julian with necromantic rays while Cael and Terus were also enervated.
Julian used his arcane sight to located the hidden caster which promptly fled down the staircase blocked by Evard's Black Tentacles and Randal followed. The rest of the party continued to suffer ferocious onslaughts from the Cave Troll rending claws and bites. However, Tulgar prevailed and finally slayed the last of the Ilithid thrall. The party now sits on the bloody staircase among the soaking bodies of many Ilithids and Cave Trolls.