Wednesday, May 31, 2006

Paths of Nature: Old and New

Session 115

Characters: Julian, Balin, Grim, Anthony.

NPCs: Animated Trees, Selthens Silverbark: Paragon Treant of Silvanus, 2 Greenbound Direbears, 6 colossal Plant Hordes, Father Bailer, Mother Bailer, Brother Bailer, Count Samrite: Human Aristocrat, Cruroar Trannyth: Half-elven Mayor, Knights of the Tempered Sheild (Torm), Knights of the Cleansing Flame (Tyr).

30 Tarsakh 1374 - 1 Mirtul 1374

2300 XP

With Grim's help, the party had safely arrived back on Ferun in Julian Bailer's hometown of Porta Elvasious. They stood in complete shock within the southwestern city as a colossal Horde of Plants smashed into the southern wall. It seemed as if sometime recently the Wealdath Woods had grown northward at an incredible pace directly through the well-established human and elven logging camps. Porta Elvasious guards were shouting from the battlments to retreat over stentorian blasts of wood on stone, and the roars and cries of frenzied beasts of nature. A number of the city's southern most trees had become Awakened by the calls of the war-marching Treants and were smashing buildings from the streets. Balin stood in shock as all around him it seemed the Maul of Silvanus was upon Porta Elvasious. He called out to halt the warring trees and plants as the colossal Horde broke down more of the walls. Just seconds later, a great rumble came as the southwestern gate of the large town was splintered to pieces. Stepping forth and smashing down the central wall was a great Silver Treant whose shining bark was adorned in green and golden holy runes of the Forest Father. At his side were two Huge Greenbound Direbears, their bodies prodruding with vines and thorns.

Balin addressed the ancient tree to stop and state why was it that Silvanus willed Porta Elvasious to be destroyed. The Selthens Silverbark spoke saying that they had tried the new ways of teaching and living with the humanoids, yet they still were being overharvested and exploited. The new ways of Silvanus had failed and the old way of Nature's Power must return for the forest to be saved. Balin strongly disagreed with the Old Treant Selthens and challenged him to a Silvan Duel where the victor would decide whether the Old or New way would be followed. The Selthens Silverbark agreed and immediately with a great groan the colossal Plant Hordes receeded forming a great Circle of Challenge outside Porta Elvasious' wrecked southern wall. Balin stepped in to face the massive Treant, and battle was joined. Silverbark moved expeditiously and smashed into Balin with an unbelievable strength. Balin attempted to return the blows in melee but could not penetrate Selthens' magical hide. Balin Shapechanged into a Red Dragon and flew above Selthens blasting him with fire. Selthens' then Dispelled Balin's new form as he crashed to the ground. Balin took flight again and brought a mighty fall of boulders down upon the Great Tree. However, Selthen's used the boulders to knock Balin out of the air and was again upon him in melee. Balin's Flamestrike attempts could not keep pace with the Treant's regenerative healing, and after a long minute of equally matched combat, Selthens outlasted Balin and struck him into uncounciousness. Victorious, Selthens declared that Silvanus willed the Old Ways to be followed with a uproar of plants and beasts.

Anthony spared no time after Balin fell, for he used his new Boots of Tactics to Dimension Door the helpless Druid to the safety of Porta Elvasious. Grim threw down a mighty Meteor Storm upon Selthens and his marching Plant Hordes killing the two great Greenbound Direbears. Selthens charged forward at an unmatchable speed trampling all but Julian whose Blinking Ring saved him. Slashing furously at Grim, Silverbark nearly killed him if it was not for Grim's fateful Word of Recall. Now Anthony and Julian were the only heroes whom remained. They entered a bloody melee with the heavily wounded Silverbark and were able to detroy him before he could heal his grevious injuries. Upon the death of Selthens Silverbark, the colossal Plant Hordes pulled away and headed back to the Wealdath Woods, carrying with them large pieces of the stone walls and buildings they had smashed down. Porta Elvasious Guardsman and Knights of the Tempered Sheild lay scattared on their swaying branches, and smashed under their heavy roots.

In the wake of the battle, Julian immediately Flew to the Bailer Ranch in the eastern farming community of Porta Elvasious. The fields looked as though they had been abandoned and overgrown for years. Julian's keen eye for magic however, led him to believe this had also been the recent work of a Druid of the Old Way. The Bailer farmhouse was empty and there were sings of a very recent departure. Julian then headed back to Porta Elvasious and arrived at his brother Hennith Bailer's armorsmith shop. There, he took down the powerful magical spells which continually had cloaked him for so long, and knocked at the door. His father Leon Bailer answered and there was a great greeting as Julian saw for the first time in nearly three years, the faces of his family. Julian could not resist any longer and expelled the glorious titles and treatures he had recieved in his adventures. Though his father a stern man and his mother greatly concerned for the future, both were extreamly overjoyed. Then they spoke to Julian of his missing brother, a Knight of the Tempered Shield, his brother's new fiance Anna Leymansen. Julian was both heartbroken at the news that his brother was lost and that Anna had been carried away by the army of plants, and also upon hearing that Anna had chosen his brother rather than him. Julian hastlily promised that all would be well and left immediately to find the former master of the land, Count Samrite, and Mayor Cruroar Trannyth.

Meanwhile, Anthony revived Balin, and Grim was able to find his way back to Ferun and Porta Elvasious with come creative spellcasting. He also made a direct Sending to his Captains in the Cleansing Flame telling them to report with all their men from Zaz immediately to Porta Elvasious. Grim used one of his magical wands to reconstruct some of the remaining stone rubble into a lower wall again. Anthony moved with haste toward the Mayer's estate to determine the truth of the claims made against Porta Elvasious, and also to annouce Julian Bailer as the new landlord of Porta Elvasious and the Middle King's Road. Anthony found the disgruntled Count Samrite's testimony truthful in that the people of Porta Elvasious had not been over harvesting any more than they had been for the past hundred years or so. Additionally, there was no evidence of ackowledgement of a verbal warning by the Silvan defenders. Upon learning that Julian Bailer was the mysterious new local Lord, the Count became quite unhelpful. Julian arrived shortly after along with Grim and entered the discussion of Porta Evlasious' current state. Count Samrite refused to be held accountable for what he claimed was both two months of negligence on Julian's behalf and unprovoked attacks by the Silvan Defenders. Julian argued that these affairs were still in Samrite's duty to have managed and assured the Mayor Trannyth that the individuals behind this would be brough down harshly. With that the angry and disempowered Count Samrite vowed to exact a brutal Tax War upon the Middle King's Road and Porta Elvasious and left on horseback under the protection of a number of Royal Knights of Tethyr.

Balin did not attend the meeting with Count Samrite and Mayor Trannyth; there were sacred matters to attend to. He gathered the charred ashes of Selthens Silverbark and moved into the Wealdath Woods. The outlying trees looked undamaged and deeply rooted. Upon dicussion, Balin found the young outlying trees to be quite friendly and supportive. Having much contact with humanoids they had grown accustomed to the teachings of the New Way. They spoke of rumors that deep within the Wealdath Woods the ancient elven mythal Myth Drevanna had awakened, concious of its own existance. They spoke of a great druid of Silvanus that was sent by the New Way followers of Mosstone to investigate the awakened Mythal whom had not returned. Balin dug a deep trench in the woodland soil, buried half of Selthens' remains, and said a short prayer of remembrance for the Old Treant. Deeper into the woods Balin continued to search for answers, but found the plants to be much less agreeable. These old grown, hearty plants followed the teachings of the Old Way and refused to speak to Balin concerning why Porta Elvasious was under attack. Concerned, and tired, Balin headed back north toward Porta Elvasious to inform his fellow adventurers of the rumors.

Drawing from his experience with the formerly endangered citizens of Zazesspur, Julian called a town meeting in the central Joust grounds. On the main stand sat Julian, the Bailer family, the Mayor and clerks of Porta Elvasious, and the rest of the adventuring party. Julian accounced himself as the new Lord of Porta Elvasious and the surrounding Middle King's Road. Then, he asssured the people that he and his adventurers would bring a quick stop to the recent attacks to the southern city and surrounding farmland. It had been mere hours since Anthony called for the Cleansing Flame, however suddenly, Windwalking down from the clouds came his dedicated Cormyrian Knights. Armed in shining platemail and brandishing great purple flags the Cleansing Flame Knights surrounded the Jousting Arena. Anthony stated that their presence would be to safeguard the city from further attacks and told his men to adjust their spells and arsenals to fight Plants as appropriate. Balin then instructed the populus of the rumors concerning the deep Wealdath Woods and the awakened Myth Drevanna. The party had decided to wait until morning to venture on to Mosstone, and figure out where this whole mess may had started.

The Legend Rises

Session 114

Characters: Julian, Balin, Tulgar, Grim, Anthony.

NPCs: Sauruangula: Mercane Arch-Summoner, Tarrasque.

29 Tarsakh 1374 - 30 Tarsakh 1374

600 XP

The epic magical equipment that the party had commissioned was finally finished by the great merchants of Union. With their newfound abilities they boistered around the city and were met by one of Union's most recognizable mercane wizards, Sauruangula. He challenged the party to join the ranks of the most epic warriors in the planes by fighting its most unique entity of destruction, the Tarrasque. The next day the party entered the Mercane operated gladitorial pit, a shard plane connected to Union. There with thousands of the city's patrons as witnesses, the incredible Tarrasque's presence was invoked. Separating the battle from the crowd were walls of Force and Annihilation, finally, the ring was Dimensionally Locked so that only one side would survive. Tulgar led the charge against the legendary foe, Julian casted a ray which deflected back at him nearly striking him. Grim unleashed blasts of Arcane Fire and Meteors, while Tulgar continued to smash into its regenerating hide with the might of his ancestors. The Tarrasque inflicted a great wound upon Tulgar which was healed by Anthony. But after less than a minute of fierce combat the Tarrasque had been reduced to a great pile of entrails and gore. The mercanes Wished it dead as per their accord, and the party was victorious. Their boisterous claims had been proven true, and so they were awarded medals by the City of Union to recognize their Epic accomplishment. Still glowing in the presence of this victory the party rested the remainder of the night and in the morning Planeshifted and Teleported to the human-elven tradepost city of Porta Elvasious. Julian could not wait to share his treasure and glory of adventuring with his North Tethyrian roots.

Thursday, May 18, 2006

Welcome to Union

Session 113

Characters: Julian, Tulgar, Balin, Anthony, Davvin, Cael, Grim.

NPCs: Kadan Swordswreath: Herald of Zaz, Duchess Lucia Thionne-Hhune, Dyadin Rycigna: Owner of the Hanging Gardens Tavern, 4 Court Lawyers of Tethyr: Abd-Creon (Treasury), Abd-Gyes (Land Titles), Abd-Doran (Roads), Abd-Oneus (Environment), 2 Court Architects of Tethyr: Valandil Culnamo (Elf), Dram Hargranar (Dwarf).

E 29 Alturiak 1374 - 29 Tarsakh 1374

0 XP

Following the long meeting with the Council of Lords, the party decided they would take some much needed rest at the luxurious Hanging Gardens Tavern. Dyadin greeted the party and was quite glad to see them after the terrible plague rebellions. Fortunately, through Dyadin's arcane mastery, the Hanging Gardens Tavern was not damaged in the Carpets Rebellion or in the extended Bloodfever plague. The silk-clad tavern maids led the adventurers in to relaxing baths, and quiet private bedrooms. With the first rings of silence in their ears, the party found themselves unable to sleep, shaking and sweating. They ate the last of their Dawnbean and Crusader Moss supply that the old Blackguard Throffson had given them, and went to a late supper. Dyadin had prepared a magical feast for them, wine and spirits followed.

After they were done enjoying their meal, one of the tavern maids told the party a paige had left them a note a couple hours prior. Julian read the royal summons to the Fortress of the Faithful, and the party rushed as to not be late. They did indeed arrive late, finding many servants of the Triad rushing to clean up the mess and make royal preparations. However, the experienced Herald Kadan gave them an incredible induction for the attending Court Royals. There the party was formally inducted into the Tethyrian noble line as they wrote their names into its most prestigious magical tome. Then they spoke with the Court Lawyers and Architects concerning their evocation of land rites, and architectural plans. Anthony Manton had settled that he would occupy the constal point of the Dragonhead Pinnensula and fortify a haunted, broken down sea port into a powerful force of naval law. Julian was quick to decide he would take a portion of well-settled land containing the major roadway, fields, and forests, surrounding his hometown. Finally, Davvin chose to take a significant portion of the Starspire peaks (the site of numerous Kelemvor Miracles) and construct an incredible Fortress-Temple in the name of Kelemvor's Church. The rest of the party held their rites of land for the future.

With the preliminary plans in place, the architects told the party they would begin immediately on surveying and designing the plans. The work was estimated at one year, and so Davvin and Constal Manton would wait and supervise. Balin took the remaining time in Zaz to rejuvenate the landscape, spurring the surviving sead bank to grow hearty once more. The plants within Zaz were also spurred to grow replacing their blighted predecessors. His efforts continued in the undercity's sewers where he planted the old seeds of the great mushroom tree to forest the underground with life. The party had completed one of their greatest challenges yet, and then prepared to move on. They decided that because of their epic wealth from Gildabarr's hizagkurr halls, they would Gate to the famed marketplace, the City of Union.

The party said farewells to the people of Zaz and stepped through the shimmering Gate to the City of Union. There, in the greatest marketplace in all the realms, the party began to search and bargain for goods and services. Cael spent his time with a librarian of the Scribe Guild researching the magical natures of the Ring and Sword of Kenewrec. After many weeks of intense meditation and research, Cael was able to unlock the powers of this regalia. The rest of the party spent what would have been previously unimaginable wealth on new and more powerful magical items which would help them on their future quests.

Wednesday, May 17, 2006

The Holy Storm Rages On

Session 112

Characters: Julian, Balin, Cael, Anthony, Grim.

NPCs: Edirra Swiftstar, Council of Zaz Lords, Peter Barclay, Glais Hensley, Akkar Donatus, Apthorus, Sergant Clough: Cleansing Flame, Kadan Swordswreath.

E 28 Alturiak 1374 - E 29 Alturiak 1374

2100 XP

The party rejoined in at the broken Fortress of the Faithful as the Holy rain and winds continued to rage on. Around Anthony Manton were the kneeling Knights of the Cleansing Flame whom had survived the terrible battle. The re-cleaimed paladin as in agreement and was enstated as Constal Anthony Manton of the Cleansing Flame. He ordered that the remaining knights go forth into the city and spread the word of victory. The plague was no more, the gods had returned, and the demonic veil had been destroyed. Then he took the diamond dust which had been given to him by the dead Peter Barclay and noticed it had been reforged into a solid gem. Using this Anthony knelt down and invoked Peter's name to return for his work here for the Triad was not yet finished. With a burst of holy light, the dead Peter Barclay was risen. Meanwhile, Cael searched through the ruins and found two large diamonds also suitable for ressurection. Balin, ran to the aid of the comatose Glais Hensley and Akkar Donatus and noticed that they would pass on soon if nothing was done. He rushed to Anthony Manton whom promtply Healed High Priest Hensley. Then Hensley was able to focus his returned divine power and Heal Akkar before he slipped into death. The High Priests reuinited and said a prayer of rejuvination for those dying still in the temple.

The party then made their way to the lowest level of the Fortress where the Council of Lords and nobles were being guarded. The Herald of Zaz, Kadan, invoked an epic greeting to the party as they descended into the stone room. Cheers of victory and pleased faces filled the Council room which had for so long been gloomy. Anthony and Julian explained to the Council Lords of the foul play that the Zhents, Azikiwe, and Throffson had engineered. They also ensured with their personal honor that each person within the Cleansing Flame and civic guard posts would be interrogated to determine if there were any instigators still present. The Council Lords expressed their great thanks as well as concerns for the rebuilding process as the long meeting worn on. In return for their continued heroic efforts in Tethyr, the Duchess Lucia Thionne-Hhune took it upon herself to formally Knight each adventurer as a nobleman. For the second time since their great adventures in Calimshan the party as awarded the right to invoke land holdings within the Duchy of Thionne-Hhune. As each party member arose from the ceremony there were great cheers from the nobles and lords of Zaz.

Furthermore, as the High Priests of the Triad descended down into the meeting room they also would award the party with a great gift. It was clear to them that the party was favored by the gods and their passages to and from the Heavens were always in good standing. As a result, the High Priests of the Triad decided that no longer would the Triad churches charge for their services to the adventurers of the Forgotten Forest. No more, would the valuables of the mortal realm constrict their passages throughout the heavens. They were indeed favored souls of Ferun, and would forever be treated as such no matter where they traveled.

There was however the difficult problem of the illegal pirating cove in the Ships District, as well as the slave trade operations under the Wainwrights sewers. Upon questioning, Julian realized that he had given all his evidence of guilt to Joseph Throffson. This terrible oversight would not allow the party to pursue legally with any further sanctions. However, Anthony Manton and Julian put forth a massive sum of gold, 25,000 crowns each as a reward for the head of Cutlass. Lucia Hhune, seeing this as an excellent idea to catch the fearsome pirate leader put 25,000 crowns of her own toward the treasury for these purposes. In addition, Constal Manton dedicated 150,000 gold of his Gildabarr treasure toward the rebuilding of the Fortress of the Faithful. An epic sum of money which would certainly expediate the process of recovery. Finally, Constal Manton called upon the Herald of Zaz to send for the Court lawyers of Tethyr to commision a much needed port off the northwestrn coast near Velen to combat the pirating operations in The Race and Firedrake Bay.

Sunday, May 07, 2006

The Dark Veil is Torn

Session 111

Characters: Cael, Anthony, Balin, Grim, Julian, Terus, Davvin

NPCs (Good) Umarah Greypebble, Edirra Swiftstar, 3 Harper Strikers, sergeant Clough: Cleansing Flame (Fortress), Peter: Triad Priest (Tyr), Father Akkul: Triad Priest (Illmater), Hensley: Triad Priest (Torm), Daneus Bloodgrace: Sacred Fist, Dorn Fellhand: Knight of the Chalice, Thomas Gibson: Templar, Tangela: chieftain.

NPCs (Bad) Azikiwe: Maurezhi Demon, Constal Joseph Throffson: Blackguard of Cyric, 4 Zhent "Stinger" Agents, 2 Zhent Spur Lords, Herrod Duskblade: Cleric of Cyric, 1 Balor Demon, 3 Hezrou Demons, Horde of Plague Demons, Flight of Zhent Skymages.

L 27 Alturiak 1374 - E 28 Alturiak 1374

8900 XP

With little time to spare the party Teleported to the Karlaggar District with the help of Terus. Unfortunately, he was unfamiliar with the location and the party was misfortunately moved inside a different abandoned dwelling. Balin concentrated and got their barings straight and then the party found Umarah Greypebble's hidden residence through the city's alleyways. Umarah had early stages of the plague and showed the party down to his cellar where the Harper Agents were sleeping. Edirra noticed the party's dire condition and healed their combat damage with her bardic spells. Then the adventurers told Edirra of their findings in the undercity, and of the Zhent magically guarded location in the Markets sewers. Edirra knew that there was little time left and advised the party that whomever was behind this terrible plot was hidden away under the Markets sewers. Anthony, Davvin, Cael, and Grim Teleported to an alleyway in the Fortress District to gain the assistance of Constal Throffson. Meanwhile, Terus, Julian, Balin, Edirra, and the Harper Strikers Teleported to the Markets sewers.

In around the Fortress of the Faithful a great crowd of people were in celebration as the Lobi-Tongo chieftain Tangela and the prophet Azikiwe had been released. The party pushed forward and spoke with sergeant Clough of the Cleansing Flame who told them that although Throffson and the Triad had interrogated the Lobi-Tongo leaders for the past day there was no evidence linking them to any crimes. Throffson reluctantly allowed Azikiwe and Tangela to leave and they were now speaking to the people of Zaz for order.

Meanwhile, the shadow adventurers were in the bloody sewers of the Markets District as Edirra and Julian searched again for the access panel. Edirra was able to decode the Zhent trickery written upon the former Shadow Thieves door. The party opened it and moved down through a flood of plague-ridden waste. In a small room with a metal-grated floor Julian worked at a feverish pace to remove the traps upon an entrance door. Finally, Julian had safely opened the door and the dark adventurers moved quietly through a winding tunnel which was also laden with traps. Julian disabled a number of them and with weapons drawn they passed into a larger room filled with darkness. All at once, the uncertain silence was broken as magical light filled the room and a line of Zhents with muskets thundered the party in surprise. The barrage left Julian and Balin reeling with painful wounds which they had never experienced.

The adventurers at the Fortress demonstration pushed their way forward towards the front steps of the great Triad castle. Suddenly, Constal Throffson bursted down the front entrance of the Temple towards Tangela wielding his longsword in one hand and carrying a long, dark book in the other. He shouted that his Ships District Knights had just raided the Lobi-Tongo vessel and found this actual evidence linking them to a demonic presence. Without hesitation the hardened plague-fighter of Suzail decapitated Tangela and crashed into the crowd to control their response. As this happened from the eastern skies of Zaz came a terrible sight. A flight of Zhent Sky mages mounted upon terrible magical beasts were ravaging the eastern wall with Fireballs, bolts of Lighting and blasts of negative energy. Davvin keenly noticed that Azikiwe had already been looking to the east before the Zhents had appeared. As he turned to warn Throffson and the party however, Davvin caught a glint of hellfire in his peripheral vision; Azikiwe had disappeared.

The adventurers in the sewers were locked in a vicious melee with 4 Zhent Stinger Agents. Two frenzied Spur Lords clad in black spiked plate mail and purple cloaks guarded the fierce leader of the largest Zhent organization in the Far Western Lands, Herrod Duskblade. The Zhent Stingers prodigiously maneuvered through the party and Harpers under the maniacal commands of the Spur Lord guardians and slashed Balin and Julian nearly to death. Within seconds the Harper Strikers were cut down and Edirra was desperately healing the fallen. Julian attempted to defend the party with a powerful Fireshield spell, however Herrod Dispelled the effect from nearly all of his allies. Terus struck back at the murderous Zhents with his twin psychically powered blades to even the losses. Things were becoming desperate in the darkened tunnels, but the party was determined to find whatever the Zhents were guarding so fiercely.

Above in the Fortress, Cael casted Fly upon himself and Davvin while Grim casted Fly upon himself. They moved quickly to the front stairs of the Temple while the crowd of Lobi-Tongo converts pushed their way forward. Anthony Manton bull-rushed his way toward Throffson to aid him in the control of the crowd. As Davvin turned the corner into the main hall of the Fortress of the Faithful it was then he saw a horrifying sight. An Epic Demon Gate had been opened outside the temple as hordes of Plague spawn demons, and Hezrou marched forward and smashed down the walls. Leading their ranks wielding a fiery whip and a massive Vorpal hellblade was the greatest of Demon warriors, the Balor. Azkiwe was just completing his abbysal transformation into his true form, a great disease-carrying Maurezhi. The party charged forward and the greatest of the Triad's defenders and acolytes came to their aid. Dorn Fellhand and Davvin charged the massive Balor. However in one foul swing Dorn was decapitated by the Balor's mighty Vorpal as it proceeded to cleave into Davvin, entangling him in the hellfire whip. Cael rushed to the rescue of Davvin but again, the Balor's terrible Vorpal struck. Cael's headless corpse joined the growing numbers of fallen warriors littered around the fiery Balor.

Edirra rushed to the aid of Balin once more and healed him as Terus and Julian continued their counterattacks. A frenzy of blades and blood filled the darkness of the small sewer room. Finally, the party had killed the last of the Zhent Stinger Agents and moved forward against Herrod and the Spur Lords. The Spur Lords blasted the party with rays of black flames, and Herrod prepared for another round of devastating spellcasting. The party charged forward and found trouble in flanking the tactically sound Spur Lords. Julian struck Herrod by surprise with a necromantic ray killing him instantly. The remaining Spur Lords fought back against the party with black flames until they were both cornered and killed. Elated with the battle's outcome the party moved past the Zhent corpses and found themselves in a room filled with dead Jungle foliage and a lone obsidian altar. Edirra and Julian knew there was little time to spare and began to decode the altar's evil magical presence.

Back in the rapidly falling Fortress of the Faithful more demons poured out of the Gate. The high priests Akkul and Hensley focused all of their divine energies on closing it despite the powerful divine interdiction still in effect. Grim saw the tragedy in Cael's death and quickly casted a Wish that his misfortune be undone. Suddenly, Cael's fallen body was raised and he struck the Balor with the power of an epic blizzard. Meanwhile, Anthony and Constal Throffson had retreated to the front of the temple where the crowds of people were pushing forth to overthrow the church. The high priest Peter of Tyr then in the city's most desperate moment raised above the disbelief of the people and called down a Miraculous Holy Storm of vengeance on the invading Zhent Skymages. The clouds bursted and poured holy water upon the city burning the mages in the sky. Winds picked up to hurricane forces knocking them to the ground, and holy bolts of positive energy crackled from the sky, smiting down the evil mages. Throffson saw this event, turning to Peter deeply in prayer and Smote him down with a burst of evil power from his blade. Anthony and Davvin saw this as the Knights of the Cleansing Flame moved inward to the temple surrounding the traitorous Throffson.

Grim, Daneus Bloodgrace, Cael, and Thomas Gibson fought valiantly against the hordes of demons. In a great strike from Cael's arcane blade the mighty Balor was killed, and exploded in a blast which leveled nearly half of the Fortress. Daneus, and Gibson were killed along with numerous acolytes and demons. Now the holy rain and storming winds flooded into the temple grounds, as a Huge Hezrou Plague Demon stepped into the temple from within the Gate. The high priests of Illmater and Torm just then were able to overcome the divine interdiction and seal the Demonic Gate shut before more could spill forth. Cael met in melee with the hideous demon and cut it down with a guillotine-strike. Azikiwe still remained and in failing to fully dismantle the great celestial Gate turned to Cael and the party, blasting them with Vile energy.

With the rest of the party fight an epic battle in the Fortress inner grounds, Julian and Edirra continued to attempt to disable this obsidian altar. Julian noticed that its true function was to amplify the existing interdiction abilities inherent to all Defiant worshipers. This item had grown extremely powerful with the great amount of despair and disbelief in the pantheon recently and wound be near impossible to disable. However, with a bit of expertise and a handful of luck, Julian prevailed as usual. The great Altar of Disbelief was disabled and a flood of divine energy poured into Zaz. Almost immediately after experiencing the return of Kelemvor's favor, Davvin Dimensionally Locked the Maurezhi on Ferun as Cael moved in closer. With one great cut Cael had killed the demon Azikiwe whom had been responsible for so much bloodshed and death.

Meanwhile, Throffson had knocked Anthony Manton down with a single blow from his longsword. However, through the cracked roof above holy rain from Peter's Miracle fell down and healed him. Throffson became surrounded by his former followers of the Cleansing Flame and cut down 4 of them in an instant. Anthony rose to face the Blackguard of Cyric with a clenched fist of vengeance, as a burst of positive energy came from his hand forming the familiar Blade of Cosmas. Ensheathed in holy light Anthony prayed for strength to the God of Retribution and sent a wave of power through the greatly surprised Blackguard. Joseph Throffson was smitten to dust, nothing except the former fallen paladins of the Cleansing Flame would remain to leave a memory of the legendary traitor. They knelt around Anthony Manton in prayer and forgiveness as the holy rain fell down through the cracked Fortress.

And so Azikiwe, Throffson, and Herrod were dead. The populous of Zaz upon seeing the great number of epic Miracles in the name of their former pantheon renounced their beliefs in the Great Unknown and began to pray to their former deities. The holy rains fell, the winds blew, and the lightning struck for 24 hours, cleansing the city's streets sewers and waterways of the bodies and plague. After the events of the past 2 ten-days nearly half of Zaz's citizens are dead, much of the city's eastern walls are destroyed from the Zhentil Skymage attack, and the Fortress of the Faithful is in ruin. The Heroes of the Forgotten Forest have certainly made a name for themselves in the lands of intrigue for it is unquestionable that without their actions Azikiwe and the demonic Cyricists would have stolen the Triad's most powerful artifact; all under the guise of a terrible plague as the disfavor of the gods.

Wednesday, May 03, 2006

Closing In

Session 110

Characters: Julian, Balin, Anthony, Grim.

NPCs: 2 Shadow Thieves, 2 Hezrou Plague Demons.

L 26 Alturiak 1374 - L 27 Alturiak 1374

2260 XP

The party moved carefully out of the clean trade-sewers heading north, and once again entered the terrible bloody sewers below the Wainwrights. With Balin's guidance the party was able to make its way through a series of disease-ridden tunnels to the northern most point in the Wainwrights lower sewers. The river's underground floodwall stopped the part from advancing any further. Julian was not so convinced however, and drew from his multitude of experiences searching for signs of theive's guild activity. He found faint signs of wagon traffic and with Balin's help was able to estimate an open area below him. Julian Blinked through the floor and in the darkness of a cramped room was able to activate a lever which lowered the upper floor down into a ramp. The party rejoined and were now at the sewer gate between Exar's Wainwrights, and the Markets District.

They passed through the long submerged stone tunnel under the Zaz river. Roughly halfway down the tunnel they found the 2 day old stinking corpse of a Sword Spider. It had been killed with bolts and arrows which Balin and Anthony determined had been the same used to kill the Maelos-Stocks Alliance Guardsman 2 nights prior. Slightly down the tunnel Julian also found a number of wagon splinters and spilled grain. Whomever was responsible for the theft of the Maelos-Stocks grain had used this tunnel towards the Wainwrights as an escape. Longer still down the tunnel the party reached an out-of-place double door which looked to have been taken from a temple to Helm. Julian Blinked past it and found himself in a small switching room with 2 Plague-infected Shadow Thieves. Within seconds Julian disposed of the 2 thieves and opened the doors allowing the party to move onward. They walked up another mechanical stone ramp and found themselves in an even bloodier and cramped sewer system, the Markets.

In the horrifying Markets sewers the party travelved northwest and found themselves and the sewer location Edirra Swiftstar had described to them as suspicious. Four sewer lines joined together to form a small circular room filled with many of the early dead Markets District citizens. The party tirelessly searched through the bloated bodies and blood-soaked stone for signs of entrances or traps. However, they continued to become distracted by a feeling of being watched. Balin and Anthony were able to shake it off but Julian and Grim were unable. After more minutes of searching an incredible blast of demonic chanting filled the sewers as 2 Hezrou Plague Demons Teleported to surround the party. Balin, weakened from the plague and still severely wounded from the previous assault ran down an empty tunnel. Grim quickly banished one of the Hezrou, while Julian and Anthony moved in to engage the second. The Hezrou laid into Anthony Manton however, the former paladin and arcane rouge's attacks were stronger. After the party destroyed the Hezrou they continued searching and found a submerged secret plate underneath the bloody sewer water. It bore the symbol of the Shadow Thieves, however Julian found it to have powerful magical auras written in a Zhent secret code. The magical ward was quite powerful and so the party decided that they would get Edirra Swiftstar to help decode the Zhent message. Anthony Manton has contracted a serious form of Sewer Plague and with his battle wounds will certainly die before the sun rises unless magical help can be found.